Saturday, September 4, 2010

I'm Home~~~

Assalamu'alaikum wbt. Lamanya da berhabuk.
"Uhuk, uhuk!". Terbatuk-batuk. "SrooT, sroot. Adeh! Selesema sudah...Kena buat operasi Ops Tulis nih! Jom! Mohler kite ngemas-ngemas". Heee. Mode baru ada.

"I'm home...." I said.
"I'm happy to back home...!" I said loudly.

and my blog said to me, "Welcome home my dearest..."  with the new face, happy face and suddenly he turned over and said, "Please don't ever come back to me. I hate u!" The old face has been thrown out the window.

The new era just begun.


  1. Kak lillah...heee
    kadang2 uzlah sebentar...
    hati juga sedang majuk..sdg proses memujuk la nih..
